Every boy is told to grow up and act like a man, every girl to become a woman.
Take responsibility.
Make good of yourself.

Yes, there is a way we must put away childish things. A child must learn to obey parents, to respect aunties and uncles.
This is right.
It orders the family, and such families bring order to our world.
But happy are we when as adults we remember our childhood, and keep it within easy reach,
when slacks get dirty at the knees from steering hot-wheels through the dirt,
when breezes flow across our face as we ride a bike around the block,
and when trucks or dolls or crackers are left in disarray after play.
Imagine what could come from the apostle’s word, to bring children up in the “nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Eph.6:4). How do we as parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents nurture our youngsters into the joy and meaningfulness of experiencing Jesus?
I have always been hesitant to dance. I didn’t know any styles or routines. And still don’t. But some years ago I began to try. Even now, if I come to a wedding reception or birthday party, I try to overcome my ingrained, adult hesitancy, take my wife’s hand, and become a boy again, careless and carefree at least long enough to embarrass my children or peers.
Raising small children means learning to dance together, understanding each other at every new stage of life.
Teaming up with adult children is just as vital, and challenging. It means learning to dance together today, which may be different than yesterday.
Is there someone who needs your permission to dance today?
Is that someone you?
P.S. A friend passed along this wonderful song, I Hope You Dance. Check it out.